Brace yourself for an awe-inspiring announcement that will ignite your spiritual journey and expand your consciousness! Radhaa Publishing House is thrilled to unveil the upcoming paperback release of the long-awaited masterpiece, “Dolphin Odyssey,” authored by the illustrious visionary Aros Crystos. Get ready to embark on an extraordinary adventure of self-discovery as Aros guides you through the realms of galactic consciousness and profound awakening.
From beginnings in the enchanting town of Helsingborg, Southern Sweden, Aros Crystos was destined to become a guiding light in spiritual wisdom. With a heart bursting with curiosity, Aros fearlessly pursued the answers to life’s most profound questions. “Who am I?” became the beacon illuminating his path, propelling him on an unparalleled odyssey spanning nearly six decades.
“Dolphin Odyssey” is the culmination of Aros Crystos’s relentless pursuit of understanding and wisdom. Within the pages of this transformative masterpiece, you will be transported on a celestial voyage of self-discovery, embracing the interconnectedness of all beings and unraveling the mysteries that shroud the universe.
Prepare to unlock your divine potential as Aros shares his encounters with the mystical dolphin activations and transmissions from the higher realms. These sacred interactions have unveiled the secret chambers of cosmic consciousness, enabling Aros Crystos to harness his true multidimensional essence and awaken the radiant divinity within.
Aros Crystos’s remarkable insights and powerful gifts have touched the lives of countless individuals seeking enlightenment and personal transformation. As the man behind the Sonic Codes, an Author and renowned Artist, Aros has become a trusted guide, illuminating the path to self-realization and empowerment.
Witness the mesmerizing fusion of words and artistry as Aros Crystos captivates your senses and elevates your soul through his enchanting voice and healing sounds. With each activation, you will transcend the boundaries of your current reality, ascending to higher realms of consciousness and embracing the infinite possibilities that reside within.
“Dolphin Odyssey” isn’t just a book—it’s a cosmic revelation that propels humanity towards a collective awakening. Aros Crystos’s galactic heritage shines through the pages, illuminating the truth of who we are and what we can achieve.
Be among the first to experience this groundbreaking masterpiece! “Dolphin Odyssey” will be available in paperback on June 11th, ready to grace the shelves of leading bookstores and online retailers. Secure your copy now through Radhaa Publishing House’s website for a front-row seat on this transformative journey that will forever alter your perception of reality. Enjoy this interview with Aros Crystos and grab a copy HERE:
Q. What inspired you to write “Dolphin Odyssey” and delve into self-discovery and cosmic awakening?
A. What has always inspired me since meeting the dolphins is their profound wisdom shared and displayed in sometimes a very childlike way. Their way of telepathically communicating in a way that was more understandable than any spoken word. Their absolute spontaneity and humorous way of teaching and be an example of the teachings. Their willingness to share and interact with humans often sacrifices their way of living to come closer to the human consciousness. They would never allow a person to feel inferior to them as they have always treated everyone with the same love and respect and allowed anyone to discover their innate beauty and perfection.

Q. How did your journey of self-discovery influence the themes and messages portrayed in the book?
A. I think there is no real difference, my self-discovery became part of the messages that I have been receiving throughout many years. In other words, they became part of the key that unlocked the hidden wisdom that I felt and knew existed within me since a child in Sweden. I knew that I knew and could not access what I knew.
Q. Can you share some insights into the powerful dolphin activations and transmissions from higher realms you encountered while interacting with dolphins and whales in Hawaii?
A. The sonic codes started about 30 years ago on Maui as I was doing some healing work on a person. The person in question was laying on Madame Pele, the lava rocks, and then these sounds and vibrations were coming through me, and the person felt peace and calmness from it. Then through the years, countless people have been activated through the Sonic Codes, and quite a few tourists were visiting and had heard about my work. I had all sorts of people seeking me out from Doctors, Ph.D., Clinical hypnotherapists, actors, and regular folks and the result has been astonishing to witness. Also, countless interactions with both whales and dolphins in the open ocean have contributed to a multifold of transformations for people, people were coming for all sorts of reasons to be with the dolphins, and one thing everyone had in common, is that when the dolphins came and played everyone dropped their masks and became very childlike and opened their hearts to the possibility being presented to them. Everything the whales and dolphins shared and showed us always had a deeper meaning and an opening for healing and transformation.

Q. In “Dolphin Odyssey,” you explore the interconnectedness of all things and our role in the universe’s divine consciousness. How do you believe this understanding can impact individuals on their spiritual journeys?
A. It’s not so much a belief as what I share is from the experience of my multidimensional soul. There can be no real growth spiritually if I do not start to make a real effort to follow certain teachings from the divine law. That states that there is no other person as such, this entire world is a giant palace of mirrors, and everything and everyone is my own reflection. It’s one thing to accept all the beautiful reflections, and when it comes to more negative ones, we tend to deny or justify them. That is normal behavior, and that is exactly part of the spiritual journey to be ready to face the challenges presented at any moment with the attitude of a warrior and find that pearl in some very disturbing situations and challenges. The dolphins are mirroring these so beautifully, and so interacting with them many of these challenges on the spiritual path will become evident and bring greater understanding. When unity consciousness becomes evident again, there can be no more separation and wars, and conflicts will vanish, and people can live in peace and harmony with everyone and everything.

Q. Your work encompasses writing, artistry, healing sounds, and activations. How do these different forms of expression contribute to the overall message and experience you wish to convey to readers?
A. It’s the different branches from the same tree. Some will respond more readily to maybe the Sonic Codes, others to some healing modality, and others to maybe read something, whatever it is carries the same vibration and energy of transformation. I like to share an example. I met a woman whose hips had been badly hurt in a car accident over ten years ago. Her life had stopped, and she searched for every possible healer Dr. nothing had helped her and so she had run out of money and was bitter and in despair. I suggested that I could help her, and she just looked at me with an attitude, and then she added, besides, I have no money. I looked her straight and said, did I ask you for money? I took her down to the beach and spoke to her for about an hour, and I never touched her. The next morning she called me and said in a tear-filled voice, I have no more pain, I answered so, are you ready to go the full circle, I still have no money, and I said, I still have not asked you for money. We met every day for a week, and at the end of the week, she called me, I am completely healed and have got my life back, and tomorrow I am playing tennis again, first time in a decade, and she has well gone back to work as a nurse practitioner. This demonstrates two things, another branch from the same source and that I am the vessel and never think that I am the one doing these.

Q. You are a world-renowned artist and designer of one-of-a-kind wearable art clothes. Can you tell us about your journey as an artist and how the dolphins have influenced you in this regard?
A. Galactic orgasm Design came about when I lost everything in 2008, and I had a pair of old jeans with holes in them and a T-shirt with a Leon on it. I cut out the Leon and patched up the hole. Later on, when I had a little money I bought some materials, and that is how that started in 2008, and then in 2012, I won for the most echo-friendly designer during Los Angeles Fashion Week and in 2013 for the most multicultural designer. Then I added paints and other ways to make the designs more dimensional, and I felt inspired by the dolphins to create something that respected mother earth and her beings.

Q. “Dolphin Odyssey” is a profound invitation to embark on a journey of self-discovery. How do you hope this book will inspire readers to explore the various layers of their being and rediscover their wondrous possibilities?
A. My sincere wish is that this book will inspire people to awaken to their own divine nature and have the courage and right understanding to follow their heart and find their own odyssey and follow that adventure. For that to happen, there must be an authentic longing to follow the question, who am I truly and why am I here in this body, and what is the real purpose? Enlightenment is not a quick fix for all the problems, it is a sincere journey and adventure into the innermost chambers of your heart and the longing to be set free from any limitation, and for that quest to be real, there must be priorities, or as Gurumayi said’’ give up the idea that there is something more important than to be with your soul” When you truly like to understand who you are and ask the right questions, then grace as well will become evident in your life and with grace more understanding will follow. That is my wish for anyone reading this book or not, and this book can be a beacon to follow.

Q. Can you share any significant moments or experiences during your lifelong pursuit of understanding and wisdom that have had a profound impact on your spiritual journey?
A. As a young man in Sweden, asking myself, why am I here and what is the purpose and where do I go when I die? That started my quest when I was 16 of age. It’s almost impossible to seek out certain experiences as all of them have been the stepping stone to the next one and deeper understanding. I learned that the most mundane episodes had the potential of great wisdom and understanding, and also many seek answers in spiritual visions or some mystical experience, and truthfully that is not where you might find them; it is in the most mundane experience in the day to day living that will give you the right insight and understanding. Having said that, when I met my first teacher Elizabeth Haich in Zurich, Switzerland, in 1979. Then met my Guru Baba Muktananda in 1980 in Santa Monica and then met the Dolphins in 2005 on Muir Beach in California and all the countless experiences I have been graced with obviously are like jewels on the path. Many of the other experiences I have shared in this book, In Time Is Promised To No One, and all my other books are testimonials to this adventure, which I call adventures in consciousness.

Q. How do you incorporate your galactic heritage into your teachings and writings, and what do you hope readers will gain from this cosmic perspective?
A. Truthfully my entire life has been a reflection of my galactic family and the purpose I came here, and my work to be completed. I trust that people will maybe focus less on where they came from and more on how to assist the human heart to open and realize the beauty and magnificent being any human being truly is. Elizabeth Haich told this to me when I met her, you must let go of your galactic heritage otherwise, your ego will trick you, and you may not be able to fulfill your work here. I did so for over 20 years and when it came back into my life again, it was crystal clear, and grace followed it with deeper understanding. Yes, where you come from will assist you when you let it go.

Q. What do you believe is the significance of asking the fundamental question, “Who am I?” and how can individuals cultivate the faith to trust in the answers from within?
A. In my humble way of looking at it, there is only one way. Practice. When I started to write, I had no idea where it came from, and if I had edited and tried to understand it – it would not have worked, so I just wrote and then when I read it, oh my, where did this come from it was flowing and I could experience the energy from what had come through me. The more I practiced this, the more my intuition became my guidance, although in all fairness my intuition has always been very clear and at times too clear for comfort. Nevertheless, it is in this way you start to carve out the wellspring inside of you, and trust in yourself becomes stronger. If you at times, do not follow the inside guidance and it creates an obstacle do not beat yourself up and keep moving, and little by little your faith and trust in yourself will become like a rock, you can build your life upon.

Q. Lastly, how did you choose Radhaa Publishing House to be your Publisher – please tell us about working with them, and if you have other books that will be published with them – would you recommend them?
A. Radhaa Publishing House is a Champion, and I feel very fortunate that my inside guidance brought them to me and that they discovered me and saw the vision I had. I can only give Radha Publishing House the highest rating. To me, they represent everything that I had been looking for in a Publisher, and I had almost given up to find someone that could translate my words and message in a way that most people who were drawn to it could find a deeper meaning within themselves. I also interestingly describe in my Book Time Is Promised To No One a Publisher that mirrors very much what Radhaa Publishing House stands for. Yes, I have several Books to Be Published by Radhaa Publishing House, and yes, I would completely recommend them to anyone who likes to know that their work is handled with care, integrity, and honesty, as I said, Radhaa Publishing House is a Champion.
Q. Lastly, how can people find you, and are you available for larger sonic codes gatherings and/or speaking events?
A. I am absolutely available for small groups and larger events anywhere in the world. Please visit my website, www.Aros. life has all the contact information.
About the Author: Aros Crystos is a visionary author, artist, and spiritual mentor dedicated to awakening humanity to the interconnectedness of all beings. Through his writings and activations, Aros guides individuals from all walks of life on a transformative journey of self-discovery, empowering them to embrace their true essence and unlock their limitless potential.
Aros Crystos Celebrity Fashion Designer at the (HMMA’s) at the Hollywood Music In Media Awards Celebrity Red Carpet event Hosted by Jett Dunlap.

About Radhaa Publishing House: Radhaa Publishing House is a leading publisher committed to sharing inspirational and enlightening voices with a wide audience. With a focus on books that foster personal growth, spirituality, and transformation, Radhaa Publishing House paves the way for individuals to explore new dimensions of consciousness and embark on their transformative journeys. or
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