Ariella de Luca

What is your Name? Where do you Live?

My name is Ariella de Luca and I live in Tamworth Staffordshire with my mommy, daddy and baby sister.

What is your Level of Education? What did you Like most about School?

I love going to play group and exploring new things whilst making new friends. I am very chatty and observant to what is going on around me.

What is your Favorite Hobby?

My favourite thing to do is practice standing up with support and trying to walk with a little help. I am determined to walk soon so I can explore.

What Kind of Things do you Like to have, if any, then please tell us?

I like to have light up toys and sensory toys and I find them fascinating whilst also listening to my mommy and daddy read me story books.

Who are the most Influential Persons to you as a Child?

I love my mommy and love spending time with her.

What did you want to be in the Future?

My mommy and daddy think I will be a well-established model or actresses in the future.

What is the Happiest Memory in your Life?

My happiest memory in life is walking whilst holding my mommy’s hands for the first time. My mommy and daddy were so proud of me and I couldn’t stop smiling.

At the End, what are the Main Lesson, you have Learned in your Life?

I have learnt so much I am already saying a few words, feeding myself sometimes and striving physically. I sometimes fall over but I get back up and try again.

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