Skyla de Luca

What is your Name? Where do you Live?

My name is Skyla de Luca and I live in Tamworth, Staffordshire with my mommy, daddy and little sister.

What is your Level of Education? What did you Like most about School?

I am in reception and I am very smart for my age, I am really good at reading and writing whilst being a very social butterfly. I love exploring new things at school and making new friends.

What is your Favorite Hobby?

One of my favourite hobbies is gymnastics which is lots of fun but also love posing in front of the camera.

What Kind of Things do you Like to have, if any, then please tell us?

I like lots of books, pens and paper as I love role playing teachers and writing. I also love to have family outings one of my favourite places to go is the zoo.

Who are the most Influential Persons to you as a Child?

I love my mommy and she is happy and beautiful and I want to be like gabby (gabbys dollhouse) because I watch her on TV and I want to be on TV.

What did you want to be in the Future?

I want to be on TV like gabby or a police officer because they help people and put the bad guys in police officer’s car and take them to station and put them in jail.

What is the Happiest Memory in your Life?

Meeting Ariella for the first time and when I first meet my baby sister Ariella, she was very little and now I am a big sister and play with her.

At the End, what are the Main Lesson, you have Learned in your Life?

I have learnt that I need to be kind, share and helpful in order to help other people like my baby sister. Also need to work hard so I can learn new things and get better.

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