Tian Ndreka

How do you introduce yourself?

My name is Tian Ndreka, I am 18 months old, Mom likes to take pictures of me because I am very cute.  I like people who are smiling like me.  I would really like to be part of a beautiful brand.  Thank you!   

How was the transition from your childhood into teenage?

Fortunately, I have not encountered any difficulties in my life because I believe that I am very young, the only difficulty is that my mother does not allow me to do what I want.

Things that people usually don’t know about you?

The things that people don’t know about me is that I am very cute and funny.

What makes you unique from other children?

All children are beautiful and different, I believe that skill will help me a lot..

What are your diet preferences & physical appearance?

I like to eat, I believe very soon, will decide on a diet 😂😂 I like to keep myself in shape, take care of my physical appearance and dress nicely.

What Advice/Good Thing would you like to share?

I will answer this answer after 18 years, I believe.

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