
Amelia was recently interviewed by Famo Celebrity Magazine and below is the Q&A session we had with her.

What is your Name? Where do you Live?

My name is Amelia. I live in London, United Kingdom.

What is your Level of Education? What did you Like most about School?

I am not currently in education. I enjoy school of mum and dad as I get to learn and play.

What is your Favorite Hobby/Sport?

I enjoy stealing the TV remote and running away with it and laughing and hiding it so mum and dad can’t find it.

What Kind of Things do you Like to have, if any, then please tell us?

I enjoy pancakes and all other food that’s not on my plate.

Who are the most Influential Persons to you as a Child?

Most Influential Persons in my life is my Mum and Dad.

What did you want to be in the Future?

An inspiration to other children.

What is the Happiest Memory in your Life?

Learning to walk, so I can explore.

At the End, what are the Main Lesson, you have Learned in your Life?

I have learned that if I want anything I just look at my parents in a cute way and give them cuddles and kisses, them seem to get me what I want.

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