
Andrei was recently interviewed by Famo Celebrity Magazine and below is the Q&A session we had with him.

Introduction – Can you tell us a bit about your yourself?

My name is Andrei and I am a 17-year-old student that is currently studying media at college. I am very passionate about filmmaking such as acting and production. I am very confident and find it very easy to connect with people

Personal Background – Can you share a little experience about your Upbringing and Early Life?

I was born in Romania, and moved to England when I was 10. I am bilingual and have grown up in two cultures that I have a full appreciation for. This cultural   diversity has influenced my creative choices and my personal discipline to my studies. Through my early life I wasn’t really sure what I really wanted to do in life and as any other child at the time my dream was to become an athlete or a YouTuber.

Career and Achievements – What do you consider the Highlights of your Career so far?

Moving away from Romania with no sort of knowledge of the English language, I was able to settle into school and communicate with others and complete my studies. Looking back, I was proud to have been able to become bilingual within my first year. The biggest catalyst recently was after a college visit to Ravensbourne, I was determined to attend their film summer school which helped me network and gain confidence to network and work with industry professionals. Recently I was given the opportunity to be a part of a music video cast for a well-known artist which was very nerve wracking but also really exciting. Working on this, I obviously had to take some steps outside my comfort zone and be myself.

Passions and Hobbies – What are your Interests and Hobbies outside of your Career?

Since the summer school at Ravensbourne, I have been very motivated and dedicated with all of my work that I have been producing. I began asking for tips from people that are working in this industry and also started networking a lot more to gain more confidence and also make some friends that have the same career goal as me.

Milestones and Future Goals – What are some of the Milestones you hope to Achieve in the coming years?

Going to University or beginning studying at a film school is something I have wanted to do ever since the start of my filmmaking passion. I believe it’s something that will prepare me for the real industry. My future goal is to have an acting career which is what I enjoy the most and I believe I will be able to achieve this by continuing on the path I currently am and overcome any challenge that comes my way.

Life Lessons – What is the most Valuable Lesson you’ve learned in your Life or Career?

Life lesson I have been guided by my parents is not to rush into things and sometimes even sleep on it and wake up with a fresh mind and decide my own choice. This is also quite challenging as I am quite a spontaneous person but this attitude gives me the opportunity to think through everything before making any sort of decisions.

Advice for Aspiring Artists – What advice would you give to Young Artists looking to make a Mark in the Industry?

I have always told people that, whatever they wish to become they can do it. And sometimes what you become isn’t what is most important and it’s actually the journey.

Rapid-Fire Round:

Favorite book or movie name?

Favourite Movie: Outer Banks.

One word to describe yourself?


Favorite travel destination?

Bacau – Romania, family town.

If you could have dinner with any historical figure, who would it be?

Neil Armstrong, who has a very inspiring story.

In the Last, what are your Social Media Platform Links?

Instagram Handle: @ofcl.av

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