“Stories of the Goddess: Divine Feminine Frequency Keepers”
Curated by Radhaa Publishing House
Author Spotlight: Amanda Waterman
“Stories of the Goddess: Divine Feminine Frequency Keepers” is a powerful and inspiring book that celebrates the courage and determination of women who listen to their hearts and follow their inner knowing above all else. Women worldwide have been suppressed and subjugated for too long, forced to hide their gifts to survive in a patriarchal society. But now, these women have reclaimed their inner magic and embraced their divine feminine energy, rising above obstacles and serving as champions of the Goddess.
The book showcases various archetypes of the Goddess, offering a glimpse into a world where the divine feminine and masculine work harmoniously to create a better future for all. The stories of resilience, courage, and determination will inspire you to tap into your inner magic and rise as a champion of the Goddess.
As the keepers of our ancestral heritage, charged with upholding the honor of our families and tribes, the Divine Feminine calls upon us to use our hearts and wombs to create a better world with love and integrity. Within each of us lies the power of the Goddess, waiting to be awakened by the unique light frequency we emit.
Join the movement of women worldwide who are rediscovering their inner magic and rising to their rightful place as leaders and visionaries. “Stories of the Goddess: Divine Feminine Frequency Keepers” reminds us that we all have a connection to the divine feminine, waiting to be awakened by the stories of those who have come before us. Get your copy today and tap into your inner magic. Today we are interviewing Amanda Waterman.

Q. What inspired you to contribute to the Stories of the Goddess book, and how did you choose the topic or theme for your chapter?
A. I resisted for a long time. Life was so busy. Radhaa continued reaching out to me, and I was still hesitant. I didn’t feel worthy. When Radhaa could finally pin me down to talk to me for a few minutes, I explained what had been happening in my life and that I didn’t think I would have much to share for this book. She said, “Your story is exactly what this book needs! You are a Divine Goddess!” I said I didn’t know what I would even talk about. She explained that I should write about what I had just shared with her… the true rawness of my life. A true story of a Goddess to inspires other Goddesses who may need some extra light.
Q. Can you share a little bit about the process for your chapter in Stories of the Goddess book?
A. It took me a while to figure out what I would say and what I would eventually write about. I had so much to say, but I wanted it to be a meaningful message for others. I asked a question. What is it that I need to hear right now that I could share with other mothers that are going through the same thing that I am going through?
I knew what I was searching for and that other mothers were searching for the same answers. I just wasn’t sure how that would be written in word form. It wasn’t until I had an energy healing session that it became very clear to me that my chapter would be channeled from the divine aspect of God, and that is why I was not receiving a straight answer to my questions. I knew it had to be a channeled message. I just didn’t from who.
Q. How has embodying the essence of the divine feminine impacted your life and work?
A. I live every day with our creator’s masculine and feminine energies. I have no idea what it would feel like to be without their energy and presence in my life. It gives me the driving force to keep moving towards my divine purpose and helping people struggling with addiction, and I have a constant reminder because I am chosen to help my children.
Q. Can you tell us about your journey to connecting with the Goddess?
A. Shakti came in full force with her energy and gentle ease. Channeling for her was so easy and so comforting.
Q. How do you integrate your feminine power and wisdom into your personal and professional life?
A. For a long time, I had to be in my masculine energy, especially when my kids were small. I had to be the nurturing mom and the disciplinarian dad as well. It was challenging to play both roles as a single mom. I feel safe being in that space as I heal and allow myself to be more in my feminine energy. I can integrate that energy into my work with energy healing and caring for others.
Q. Can you share your thoughts on the role of the divine feminine in creating a better world?
A. The world needs to be nurtured. People need to be nurtured. We lost that a long time ago. The feminine energy is back for that to happen. It allows us to stand in our power with compassion and empathy.
Q. What do you hope readers will take away from your chapter in Stories of the Goddess chapter?
A. I hope that moms with kids struggling with addiction can read my chapter and get a sense of relief from the channeled message. Every mother has the power to tap into any Goddess that she needs at that moment. It can all start with a question… What is needed here? Who is needed here to help and assist me through this time?
Q. How do you feel about the overall experience of being a part of the Stories of the Goddess book project and working with Radhaa Publishing House?
A. I would have never done it without Radhaa encouraging me to get my story in there. When she first reached out to me last year, I was going through one of the biggest transitions in my life, and I truly did not feel worthy enough to be included in the project. After speaking with Radhaa, I knew my story must be there. Too many times, parents hide behind the stigma of drugs and alcohol. No one wants to admit it; they hide it from everyone and feel their life is one big illusion. As hard as it was for me to come out and write about my experience with fentanyl, I had to have my ego self step out of the way because I knew that I was a way-shower, and I had to shine a light on this topic.
Q. Can you speak to the importance of sisterhood and community in the goddess’s journey?
A. It’s important to feel like part of a tribe and community. Speaking solely about the book project itself, Radhaa herself is growing immensely, allowing her to show up for all of us like the fierce Goddess that she is. She is showing us the way and supporting us as well. She is truly our biggest cheerleader with the whole progress.
I like to create magic in hybrid round tables. I founded an online community that helps small business owners and entrepreneurs. Every Sunday, I have created a sacred container inviting people to serve and be a light. I also do a lot of clearings in that sacred container, and we release anything holding us back.
Q. What are your specific offerings, and how can people find you?
A. I offer various energy healing services and sessions. I usually combine my knowledge, wisdom, and experience into one neatly wrapped package. I also offer Hybrid Round Tables (A Mastermind 10x!) where we focus on your goals and targets. I am an Angel Activator, I am an energy healer, I am a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner, I am a Certified Access Bars Practitioner and Facilitator, I am an educator, I am a Life Coach, and I am a Twin Flame.
My favorite thing to do is to remove heart walls blocking you from your divine purpose, abundance, and love language and release any demons that may be attached to you.
I have a Facebook page where I go live and do some free energy healing when guided; you can find me there at Clear Coding with Amanda. Email me at ClearCodingWithAmanda@gmail.com. Book a session with me at https://calendly.com/clearcodingwith amanda/energy-healing. I also have a YouTube channel Lightworkers Secret to Success. You can also find me at my online community, Global Strong https://globalstrong.co/id/9/
Q. What do you appreciate most about Radhaa Publishing’s approach to collaboration and partnership?
A. I definitely appreciated all of the LOVE that Radhaa has poured into us. Giving us gentle reminders of timelines helped us stay focused and allowed us to create something beautiful for the readers.
Q. What do you think sets Stories of the Goddess book apart from books about Goddess or divine feminine energy? How do you see it contributing to the larger conversation about these topics?
A. Many topics we write about relate to other women and the bigger collective. This book will create a huge empowerment movement for the divine reader if they allow the energies to come in and inspire them. Especially if the reader chooses to reach out to any of us… their whole life could change, and how could it get any better than that?
Q. How do you hope your chapter in Stories of the Goddess book will impact readers? What key takeaways or messages do you want them to receive?
A. There are so many phenomenal Goddesses in this book that will help heal so many people. Of course, many of them are mothers who have gone through so much trauma and drama that has prepared them for what is to come. I hope it opens a whole new world to them with much more awareness.
Q. What was your favorite aspect of working on the Stories of the Goddess book project, and how do you feel it influenced your personal and spiritual growth?
A. Knowing that no matter what I go through, I am truly not alone, and I wanted other mothers to feel the same. When you have children in addiction, it can feel very lonely. In those seasons of darkness, you can shine your light even brighter for others to see. A true reminder that I am a beacon of light to others.

Q. How do you hope Stories of the Goddess book will contribute to the larger conversation around gender equality, Divine Feminine, and the reclamation of feminine power?
A. This book will empower others to step into their divine power. Reading others’ stories of triumph encourages others to keep moving forward.
Q. How do you think Radhaa Publishing House is helping to elevate women’s voices and celebrate the divine feminine through the Stories of the Goddess book and other publications?
A. Radhaa Publishing House created an opportunity for all of us divine Goddesses to choose something different. It has already created a shift as soon as we all chose to say Yes! I know this book has created the magic women need right now!!
Q. Can you speak to the level of support and collaboration you received from Radhaa Publishing House throughout the writing and publishing process and how this contributed to the success of your chapter in Stories of the Goddess book?
A. There was so much support from Radhaa personally, and her team reached out. Radhaa and I personally had many calls together, all very encouraging. She is so good about pointing out your positive qualities so eloquently.
Q. What advice would you give to other writers considering publishing with Radhaa Publishing House, and how do you see this partnership benefiting both the writer and the publishing house?
A. I hope many people will choose to work with Radhaa Publishing House. I know many powerful women with a lot to share, and their stories will help raise the earth’s consciousness. I invited so many people to be contributing authors of this book. It wasn’t the right timing for some, but I hope they will choose to participate.
Q. Can you speak to the importance of creating spaces and opportunities for women to share their stories and perspectives on spirituality and the divine feminine? How do you hope to see the divine feminine movement evolve in the future, and how do you see Stories of the Goddess’s book contributing to that vision?
A. There are many times in this journey when I felt alone. I have the best girlfriends and an absolute peach for a sister… They are walking beside me every day, but they haven’t all had the same experiences that I have, and there are times when I want to reach out, but I do not want to share the story one more time because it can be emotionally exhausting and I don’t have time in my life to shut down.
This collective has created a safe space where I can share my story with others walking in my shoes, and they don’t have to feel alone. They, too, can walk in the divine energy we have created here.
Q. How do you see the Stories of the Goddess book continuing to empower women and promote the divine feminine in the future? What role do you see yourself playing in this movement?
A. My long-term vision is to open a holistic healing center in Costa Rica. It was shown to me in September 2021 while visiting that beautiful country. The space that will be created there will help a lot of women in their healing journey and their divine businesses. It will truly be epic.
Q. Can you share your superpower and how it connects to your writing and spiritual practice? How do you hope to inspire and empower others through your work?
A. Being an Angel Activator allows me to help the angels here to activate their divine purpose. One of the most special things I do is to release core negative beliefs that go directly against our divine purpose, and together we create core positive beliefs, also known as your unique positive affirmations, that inspire, empower and remind you of your true authentic self every day.
Q. Can you share any upcoming projects or initiatives about the divine feminine and goddess worship you are excited about?
A. I always create classes for people to learn Access Consciousness and Access Bars. I love collaborating with other practitioners. We have planned a magical weekend of Access Bars and Sound Bowl Therapy in Little Falls, Minnesota, April 21-23.
Q. What do you believe is the ultimate message or takeaway of Stories of the Goddess book, and how do you hope readers will engage with and embody that message in their own lives?
A. YOU can contribute to the healing of yourself and others. YOU have a divine purpose and divine plan. YOU are magic…, and the world is waiting for you to step into your greatness.
Everyone comes across various types of challenges in their lives. Metaphysically speaking, these challenges come from this, other times in history, time, and even other dimensions. Amanda Waterman has the gift to support you in healing and clearing these challenges so you can have the life you desire. As an Energy Healer, Angel Activator, Light Worker, Life Coach, Mastermind Leader, Addiction Advocate, and business owner, Amanda has many skills and gifts to elevate your life on and at every level. She is selfless beyond words and gives more than 100%, all while raising a family and caring for her senior clients.