
Kamari Thiago Baxter was recently interviewed by Famo Celebrity Magazine and below is the Q&A session we had with him.

How do you introduce yourself and profession?

My name is Kamari Thiago Baxter and I’m super new to the industry. I’m featured on River Island Kids Instagram page but I know that there is more out there for me!

How was the transition from your childhood into adulthood/teenage and what good and bad things you remember?

To be honest, being only three months old, I can’t comment on any transition into adulthood! I know that my three months on earth have been difficult due to my medical background so far, however I have shown my mommy and daddy just how strong I am with perseverance!

What hardships you faced during your life?

As I said, my hardest situation so far has been my medical condition. No one could tell that I had this problem whilst I was growing in mommy’s tummy so I gave everyone such a scare that I couldn’t breathe when I was born! I had my first surgery at 6 days old, a second at 20 days old, another at 2 months and I’m schedule for another in a weeks time!

Although the surgeries are difficult, the hardest part for me is the fact I can’t have any milk for 5 hours before my surgery!

In all seriousness, my medical condition was life threatening and I just can’t thank my doctors enough for putting everything right and continuing to do so.

Things that people usually don’t know about you?

People don’t usually know how old I am! I’m three months old on 11th June 2023 but because of how much I have grown already, everyone thinks I am so much older than I am! I’m laughing at things I find funny, trying to sit up and so much more.

What makes you unique from your competitors in the industry and life?

My number one thing that makes me unique is my hair. I was born with so much hair and it just continues to grow so much! I think this may be another reason people think I’m older than I am. Mommy does give me a great hair care routine so it just doesn’t stop growing! I have some gorgeous curls let me tell you!

What are the Upcoming Events & Moments that you want to inform our readers about?

As I’m very new to the industry, I don’t really have too many things for people to take a look at right now. My mommy and daddy do have Instagram pages for me and as I mentioned earlier, I am featured on the River Island Kids Instagram page!

What are your diet preferences, physical appearance, sizes and measurements?

I am on a 100% milk diet – as much as I hate this! Everyone around me is eating real food and apparently I am too young to try it! I’m in 3-6 month clothing currently, however I don’t know how long this will last as I am growing so much each and every day.

What Expert Advice would you like to share with the readers about professional and social field of life?

I say to live life to the fullest every day and if you want something then go for it! I’m still aiming for that yummy food everyone seems to be eating around me and one day I will get there so you can too!

Social Media Platform:

Instagram: @mama.to.kamari

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