“Stories of the Goddess: Divine Feminine Frequency Keepers”
Curated by Radhaa Publishing House
Author Spotlight: Selma Harwell
“Stories of the Goddess: Divine Feminine Frequency Keepers” is a powerful and inspiring book that celebrates the courage and determination of women who listen to their hearts and follow their inner knowing above all else.
For too long, women worldwide have been suppressed and subjugated, forced to hide their gifts to survive in a patriarchal society. But now, these women have reclaimed their inner magic and embraced their divine feminine energy, rising above obstacles and serving as champions of the Goddess.
The book showcases various archetypes of the Goddess, offering a glimpse into a world where the divine feminine and masculine work harmoniously to create a better future for all. The stories of resilience, courage, and determination will inspire you to tap into your inner magic and rise as a champion of the Goddess.
As the keepers of our ancestral heritage, charged with upholding the honor of our families and tribes, the Divine Feminine calls upon us to use our hearts and wombs to create a better world with love and integrity. Within each of us lies the power of the Goddess, waiting to be awakened by the unique light frequency we emit.
Join the movement of women worldwide who are rediscovering their inner magic and rising to their rightful place as leaders and visionaries. “Stories of the Goddess: Divine Feminine Frequency Keepers” is a reminder that we all have a connection to the divine feminine, waiting to be awakened by the stories of those who have come before us. Get your copy HERE: bit.ly/3Z8zeXE, and tap into your own inner magic. And today we are interviewing Selma Harwell!
Q. What inspired you to contribute to the Stories of the Goddess book, and how did you choose the topic or theme for your chapter?
A. I was inspired to contribute to the Stories of the Goddess book, curated by Radhaa Publishing House because I had recently created a healing product called the Goddess Glo Bathing experience, which inspired me to write a Goddess Poem for my chapter. The serendipitous timing felt perfect. I also thought of the sculpted Goddesses our women had created from sparkling Micaceous clay, which led me to rediscover my Goddess Self-guidance. Through my experience receiving a powerful blessing from Amma, the hugging saint, I felt that grounding Spirit was greatly needed by women developing their inner healer. Meeting the other authors brought synchronicity and curiosity about their chapters. Our joyful exploration of energy and the disclosure of our Goddess Self led to my chapter’s title shifting to simply “Earth Goddess,” which felt perfect. Radhaa and Radhaa Publishing House are curating this book and empowering women’s voices to share their stories of the Goddess.
Q. Can you share a little bit about the process for your chapter in Stories of the Goddess book?
A. The first draft was from my heart and then with the support of Radhaa Publishing team, I began the rewrites and discovered so many ways the story could be told and it became playful. Then I added interactions with my New Mexico Goddess events along with the story of the blessing I received from Amma.
Q. Can you share your thoughts on the role of the divine feminine in creating a better world?
A. Creating a better world is always the bigger vision for me that is a constant for me like a backdrop for my life. It is unforgettable how I am ever grateful and enjoy being a woman. Looking back at 60, I’m 71 now. I could see how I had been led through my life since I was age 4 and left this earth from a trauma. I was comforted in the arms of the Divine and was led from faith ever since. I was blind to that guidance, yet followed it all along! I chose my husband intuitively in recognition that he was the one. We were artists choosing an Artist lifestyle, both strongly knowing we could do no other and stood for it in the face of little or no assurance and we seemed to have all we needed. Not saying it was easy and not saying it was hard. Now a Mother, I grew up in a Goddess environment where femininity with individuality mattered and I was ever the rebell warrior Goddess. Rebelling my father and his lifestyle and consoled myself with the best rock n roll music of the 70’s. A pioneer of naturally birthing my son that shifted my whole world in a dream come true. I excelled in nutrition and chose to do my own prenatal care which included daily Yoga. My next pregnancy I Goddess within kept showing me the cord around my baby’s neck and I was fearful so I would pull myself back from meditation. At my daughter Alena’s home birth, she was not breathing at birth and the cord was around her neck, which is common, yet too tight to unloop which was unusual. In comes my Goddess self and while connecting with my daughter, as they jiggled her blue limp body gently my first thought was: ” There’s No Way this baby is not breathing!” I said aloud to the mix of a dozen friends and family. “Her name is Alena. Everyone, call her Alena!” They chanted her name a few times and Alena rolled her head to lift her droopy head and blinked her eyes open, I put her quickly to the breast because I knew she would breathe while nursing. When the nurturing Goddess instincts take over there is nothing more powerful!
Q. What do you hope readers will take away from your chapter in Stories of the Goddess?
A. I believe that my chapter in Stories of the Goddess offers readers the opportunity to discover or rediscover their own Goddess Self, and to be inspired to share their stories with others. By allowing themselves to heal and empowering themselves first, they can then contribute to others and receive the energetic exchange that follows.
Furthermore, I hope that my chapter will inspire readers to come together in community with other women, just as we did during the creation of this book. Radhaa Publishing House has done a wonderful job of empowering women’s voices and gathering them together to share their wisdom and experiences. Through this process, we can learn that contributing to others comes after contributing to ourselves first.
In essence, my hope is that readers will feel empowered to embrace their own unique journeys and be inspired to gather in community with other women, fostering a sense of sisterhood and support. When we come together, we can create something truly magical and transformative.
Q. How do you feel about the overall experience of being a part of the Stories of the Goddess book project and working with Radhaa Publishing House?
A. Most things I take on come to me so I “read the writing on the wall” no pun intended. I got the message… this is next. Being a part of the Stories of the Goddess book project and working with Radhaa Publishing House has been an incredibly empowering and enriching experience for me. The guidance and support provided by Radhaa and her team have allowed me to tap into new levels of creativity and inspiration, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to share my voice and contribute to the larger collective of women’s wisdom and experience. Radhaa’s dedication to empowering women’s voices and her commitment to creating a space for community and collaboration are truly remarkable attributes of working with Radhaa Publishing House. The overall experience has been transformative for me, and I believe it will be for other women as well.
Q. Can you speak to the importance of sisterhood and community in the Goddess journey?
A. Growing up, I was fortunate enough to be surrounded by my stay-at-home mom and two sisters, creating a supportive and nurturing environment that instilled the importance of sisterhood in me from a young age. This feminine environment provided a sense of safety and trust, as I didn’t fully understand my trauma and found comfort in the company of women. My first girlfriend and I have been friends since we were seven years old, and we continue to maintain our connection through our own Goddess Pods, creating lasting friendships and leadership skills.
Early motherhood marked the beginning of including children in groups of women, where we celebrated ceremonial occasions for 18 years, with eight of those years devoted to practicing shamanic skills and connecting with a community of 25 women in New Mexico. While in Los Angeles, I witnessed “uncooperative” leadership among a few women friends, and as a leader, I learned that it’s my responsibility to bring back the fun when it’s missing and create an environment where we can collaborate with ease and grace. In life, failure is a given at times, and learning how to make it work despite setbacks helps us develop our leadership skills. Radhaa Publishing fostered this sense of sisterhood and community for me, as they created a sacred and supportive space through monthly calls and group accountability that helped me stay on track and connect more deeply with like-minded women. Their dedication to fostering a community of women who share their passion for the Goddess journey was truly inspiring, and the experience of sisterhood and community they provided was invaluable. Through these connections, I was able to deepen my understanding of the Goddess journey and continue to develop lasting friendships that inspire me today. I will always be grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this incredible community, and the best thing I can pass on about sisterhood is to remember that we accomplish nothing alone. A mother’s self-care includes spending time with girlfriends, and at times, “the more the merrier.” Sisterhood is an essential part of our growth as women, and through our connections with like-minded women, we can deepen our understanding of ourselves and the world around us.
Q. What are your specific offerings, and how can people find you?
A. As a modern-day medicine woman and vessel for the divine energy of Mother Nature, I have spent decades practicing remote healing. Through my experience, I discovered two incredible benefits of remote healing. Firstly, energy compounds with each added energy and/or person, which means that every human interaction enhances the energy exchange, no matter what we do. This is why a full 20-minute remote session can be so powerful, and you can feel the results building your health in mind, spirit, and body.
If you are interested in receiving daily remote vibrational distant healing, I invite you to visit my website, reikiyogamagic.com. There, you can find an offer for a monthly membership program. By signing up for this program, you will receive daily sessions throughout the entire month, helping you maintain the benefits of shorter sessions through consistency.
I also offer a free 30-minute Soul Source coaching session to help you gain clarity on your personal transformation and fulfilling your desires. If you would like to take advantage of this offer, please feel free to reach out to me at 818-861-4757.
On Instagram, you can find my Soul Art under the handle Selma Harwell. By the way, my name Selma means vessel – more serendipity! May you be blessed with abundance, joy, and vibrant health. IN-JOY!
Q. How has Radhaa Publishing House supported you in bringing your vision to life in “Stories of the Goddess book?
A. Radhaa Publishing House has been an incredible support system in bringing my vision to life in “Stories of the Goddess” book. I have known Radhaa for years, and it has been a joy to reconnect with her during this project. Radhaa’s patience and understanding of my technological struggles have been so appreciated. She arranged different meetings and provided access to experts on her team, which has helped to nurture the natural feminine gift that is so important to me. I encourage anyone who resonates with this work to explore and develop it in any way possible. The support and guidance of Radhaa Publishing House are invaluable, and I am so grateful for their partnership in bringing these stories to the world.
Q. What do you think sets Stories of the Goddess book apart from other books about Goddesses or divine feminine energy, and how do you see it contributing to the larger conversation about these topics?
A. What sets Stories of the Goddess book apart from other books about Goddesses or divine feminine energy is that it offers a fresh perspective on these topics. As someone who graduated in 1969 and has witnessed the evolution of feminism, I have seen firsthand how the message of feminine empowerment can sometimes get lost in the noise of extreme feminism. Stories of the Goddess book approaches the subject of divine feminine energy in a way that is inclusive and empowering for both men and women. It emphasizes the importance of balance between masculine and feminine energies, and encourages readers to cultivate awareness and discernment in their daily lives.
I believe that this book contributes to the larger conversation about these topics by providing a practical and accessible guide to integrating divine feminine energy into our lives. Rather than focusing on theory or abstract concepts, it offers real-life examples and stories that inspire readers to tap into their own inner power and wisdom. Additionally, the collaboration of various authors and contributors from diverse backgrounds and experiences adds a richness and depth to the book that sets it apart. I am grateful to Radhaa Publishing House for providing me with the platform to share my own story and contribute to this important conversation.

Q. What was your favorite aspect of working on the Stories of the Goddess book project, and how has it influenced your personal and spiritual growth?
A. Working on the Stories of the Goddess book project has been an incredible journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth for me. One of my favorite aspects of the project was reconnecting with my own memories of the Goddess and exploring the divine feminine energy that resides within each of us. As I delved deeper into this work, I realized that there were even more memories and experiences waiting to be uncovered, and it was a beautiful process of self-discovery and healing.
The project also gave me the opportunity to share my experiences and insights with others, which was incredibly rewarding. Being a part of this collaborative effort to elevate the voices of women and share their stories has been a powerful experience. It has shown me the power of community and collaboration in creating positive change in the world.
Through this project, I have also deepened my commitment to empowering the Goddess in motherhood and promoting self-healing. I believe that by transforming our own lives and healing ourselves, we can create a ripple effect that touches our families and communities, ultimately leading to global peace.
Overall, the Stories of the Goddess project has been a transformative experience for me, one that has helped me reconnect with my own divine feminine energy and inspired me to continue on my path of personal and spiritual growth.
Q. How do you hope Stories of the Goddess book will contribute to the larger conversation around gender equality, Divine Feminine, and the reclamation of feminine power?
A. I am for all humans and the Stories of the Goddess book has the potential to contribute to the larger conversation around gender equality, Divine Feminine, and the reclamation of feminine power by providing a space for diverse stories and perspectives of women throughout history and across cultures. This book can help to amplify the voices and experiences of women who have been traditionally marginalized and underrepresented in mainstream media and literature.
Furthermore, the book can also serve as a tool for education and empowerment for both women and men, encouraging a greater understanding and appreciation for the value and importance of feminine energy and leadership.
In regards to gender equality, the book’s focus on the Divine Feminine can help to challenge patriarchal norms and societal expectations that have historically limited women’s roles and contributions. By recognizing and honoring the power and strength of feminine energy, we can work towards a more balanced and equitable world.
It’s important to note that while the book focuses on the experiences of women, it’s not meant to exclude or diminish the experiences of other genders. Rather, it’s an opportunity to celebrate and explore the many facets of the human experience.
As we continue to navigate the complexities of gender and identity, it’s important to remember the underlying message of unity and oneness. We are all interconnected, and our differences should be celebrated rather than used as a tool for division. As in most changes coming our way- I continue to look for what is being said to us collectively as Humans. I believe the pervasive message of so many ways available for us to be against one another- to pay attention to how we provide no separation because ultimately WE ARE ALL ONE!
Q. How do you think Radhaa Publishing House is helping to elevate the voices of women and celebrate the divine feminine, both through the Stories of the Goddess book and other publications?
A. Radhaa Publishing House plays an important role in elevating the voices of women and celebrating the divine feminine through their publications, such as the Stories of the Goddess book. Providing a platform for women to share their stories is essential in creating a sense of belonging and allowing their voices to be heard. The variety of topics and viewpoints chosen by Radhaa Publishing House reflects the diversity of women from all walks of life. By sharing our lives vulnerably, we become storytellers, preserving human evolution by passing down our experiences and wisdom. Writing is a powerful tool that allows us to plan, develop habits, and create a space for creativity. Developing a writing habit every day provides a space for clearing, cleansing, and releasing, leading to a fresh mind that is open to creativity when we surrender, trust, allow, and receive. The 4-point method based on the acronym S.T.A.R. provides a simple way to fulfill this goal, with Radhaa Publishing House and their publications serving as the 5th point in this process.
Q. Can you speak to the level of support you received from Radhaa Publishing House throughout the writing and publishing process and how this contributed to the success of your Chapter in Stories of the Goddess book?
A. Speaking from my own experience, I felt incredibly supported and encouraged by Radhaa Publishing House throughout the entire writing and publishing process. As someone who can struggle with technology, I appreciated the patience and understanding they showed me as I navigated the process.
But beyond that, the collaboration and support extended far beyond just the technical aspects. They truly valued my voice and the unique perspective I brought to the book, and helped me to craft my chapter in a way that truly captured my essence and message.
I never felt like just another contributor or author, but rather a valued member of the team. Their dedication to uplifting women’s voices and celebrating the divine feminine was evident in every interaction and decision made throughout the process. The level of collaboration and support I received from Radhaa Publishing House not only helped me to successfully publish my chapter in Stories of the Goddess, but it also empowered me to continue sharing my story and perspective in other areas of my life. I am grateful for their commitment to amplifying women’s voices and helping us to connect and inspire one another through storytelling.
Q. Can you speak to the importance of creating spaces and opportunities for women to share their stories and perspectives on spirituality and the divine feminine and how do you see Stories of the Goddess book contributing to that vision?
A. As someone who has lived the artist lifestyle and raised children in a creative community, I truly believe that art is a powerful connection to spirit. It allows us to express ourselves in unique and meaningful ways, and can often facilitate deeper conversations and understandings about the world around us.
That’s why I see the importance of creating spaces and opportunities for women to share their stories and perspectives on spirituality and the divine feminine, such as in the Stories of the Goddess book. By sharing our experiences and perspectives, we not only empower ourselves, but also uplift and inspire others who may be on a similar journey.
As I mentioned earlier, I believe that hard conversations are necessary for growth and transformation, and I see this book as a way to encourage those conversations in the spiritual community. We can often make excuses for not having those difficult conversations, but once we confront and overcome those barriers, we can truly awaken and uplift humanity.
In addition to the Stories of the Goddess book, I also think that a book of Women’s Art would add a unique and valuable element to Radhaa’s Publishing House’s spiritual offerings. Art has the ability to communicate and connect on a deep level, and I believe that sharing women’s art would not only showcase their talents, but also add to the overall spiritual conversation.
Q. How do you see the Stories of the Goddess book continuing to empower women and promote the divine feminine in the future?
A. I have a new lens for standing for the spirituality of art that is a bit played down or even denied so there is far more soul expression available and I believe that Stories of the Goddess book has the power to continue empowering women and promoting the divine feminine in the future by providing a platform for diverse voices and perspectives to be heard. By sharing our stories and experiences, we are not only able to connect with each other on a deeper level, but we also inspire and uplift one another.
Furthermore, the book serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of honoring the divine feminine in our lives and the world around us. As we continue to navigate a society that has historically marginalized and oppressed women, it is crucial that we reclaim our power and embrace our true essence as goddesses.
I truly believe that the Stories of the Goddess book has the potential to ignite a spark within each reader, encouraging them to connect with their own divine feminine energy and to see the world through a new lens. It is my hope that this book will continue to inspire, empower, and uplift women for years to come.
Q. Can you share a little bit about your superpower and how it connects to your writing and spiritual practice? How do you hope to inspire and empower others through your work?
A. A book of Women’s Spiritual Art adds a different element to the Spiritual component of Radhaa’s Publishing House. You ran a Spring poetry contest that I enjoyed. I have enough poems for a small book of Spiritual poetry as well. Creativity includes playfulness and brings peace, joy and fulfillment. Can you share any upcoming projects or initiatives you are working on or excited about?
I am currently working on several exciting projects and initiatives. One of my passions is serving and honoring motherhood through my “Healthy Moms Healthy World” initiative. This is a movement focused on moms self-healing to transform family health and promote peace in the world. I have created a Facebook group where I feature selected mom experts and share my own insights and knowledge. I am also working on a new project that involves converting a van into a healing environment for mothers, personalized to their individual needs. The deluxe version of the van includes activities to engage the kids in the home, from meditations to visual drum journeys. My hope is that this project will empower and support mothers in nurturing themselves first, as well as transform family health for global peace. In addition to these initiatives, I am also excited to share my other books, including “S.T.A.R.way to Heaven,” “Clarifying Healers Myths,” and “Spirit Poetry & Pottery- My Gracious Micaceous.” My passion is to make the magic of energy medicine accessible to everyone and to acknowledge motherhood in countless ways.
https://www.facebook.com/groups/ healthymomshealthyworldnow
Q. What do you believe is the ultimate message or takeaway of Stories of the Goddess book, and how do you hope readers will engage with and embody that message in their own lives?
A. By embracing the power of the divine feminine within us, we can tap into our full potential and make a positive impact on the world around us I hope to discover new outlooks for myself since we haven’t read other chapters yet. I keep coming back to 3 words: Leadership and Empowerment to develop humanities Expansion beyond limitations that are already available. How do we develop our limitless capacities ever further each and every day of our lives on this precious planet? The ultimate message of the Stories of the Goddess book is to empower and inspire women to connect with their divine feminine energy, and to honor and celebrate the power and strength of the feminine in all aspects of life. Through the diverse stories and experiences shared in the book, readers are encouraged to explore their own unique journey and relationship with the divine feminine, and to embrace their true essence as goddesses. By embracing the power of the divine feminine within us, we can tap into our full potential and make a positive impact on the world around us.
In particular, the themes of leadership and empowerment stand out in the book, as it inspires women to step into their power and take control of their lives. The book creates a sense of community and support that encourages readers to be their best selves and to pursue their dreams and passions. By sharing our stories and experiences, we can develop a deeper understanding of ourselves and each other, and cultivate a sense of unity and purpose.
As we continue to develop our limitless capacities each day, we can contribute to the expansion of humanity beyond the limitations that are already present. It is through embracing our divine feminine energy and utilizing it to lead and empower ourselves and others that we can make a positive impact on the world and continue to grow and evolve as individuals.
Selma Harwell Bio:
Selma’s childhood trauma at the age of four was a catalyst for her spiritual journey of faith, love, and healing. Growing up, Selma had a natural affinity for art and fashion design, which was fostered by her mother. Her love for art continued to blossom as an adult, where she found her passion in designing indigenous Micaceous clay pottery. Selma’s spiritual awakening occurred while kneeling before Mother Mary’s statue, where she felt a tangible heat and received Mother Divine Essence, which later manifested as a light beam in a candid photograph. Now, at the age of 71, Selma is a transformational Source Creation Coach, focusing on empowering individuals with innate frequencies for personal health transcendence. She is a Master of Energy, Healer, Spiritual Shaman, Yogi, and Mother of Mothers. To learn more about Selma and her work, visit reikiyogamagic.com. You can join her Facebook group for Moms, HERE: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ healthymomshealthyworldnow.

Join the movement of women worldwide rediscovering their inner magic and rising as today’s feminine leaders. Tap into your inner goddess with “Stories of the Goddess: Divine Feminine Frequency Keepers” at bit.ly/3Z8zeXE. Unleash your writing potential and become part of the community of conscious authors at Radhaa Publishing House, where we champion the voice of the feminine. Collaborate with like-minded writers on a journey to publishing success and join our community of goddess storytellers. www.RadhaaPublishingHouse.com or www.TheGoddessCodeCollective.com.