Ayesha Sajid Chamadiya

Ayesha Sajid Chamadiya was recently interviewed by Famo Celebrity Magazine and below is the Q&A session we had with her.

What is your Name? Where do you Live?

My name is Ayesha Chamadiya and I live in United Kingdom.

What is your Level of Education? What did you Like most about School?

My level of education is gcses and something that I like most about school was being able to see my friends everyday as they’re so supportive and like my sisters.

What is your Favorite Hobby/Sport?

My favourite hobby/sports is going to the gym everyday to be fit, apart from that swimming and boxing.

Who are the most Influential Persons to you as a Child?

The most influential people to me is my aunty as growing up as a kid I weren’t very close with my parents, I have an aunty who I grew up with in the same household that has always been supportive and been there for me. She’s a women with many abilities who she raised 4 beautiful children who I’m proud to call my cousins. She’s my all in one my 2nd mother, my best friend, my role model.

What did you want to be in the Future?

I want to be a top model not just based on looks but based on who I am as a person inside and I generally think society needs someone who is genuine and honest. On the other hand I want to be an entrepreneur and do my own business one day.

What is the Happiest Memory in your Life?

My happiest memory has to be the last day of school where all students had gotten their shirts signed by friends and teachers. We did fireworks,  smoke bombs and water fights. It was just nice to see a smile on everyone’s faces when we were all together one last time. And following on to that I won prom queen.

At the End, what are the Main Lesson, you have Learned in your Life?

The main lessons I have learnt are:

• Do not let anyone take you for granted

• Knowledge will give you power, but character respect

• As you think so shall you become

• There are no regrets in life just lessons

• Better to fight for something then live for nothing

• There’s no such thing as cant

• Life is not a problem to solved, but a reality to be experienced

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