Lucas Donald Blake

Lucas Donald Blake was recently interviewed by Famo Celebrity Magazine and below is the Q&A session we had with him.

What is your Name? Where do you Live?

My name is Lucas Donald Blake and I live In Hertfordshire with Mummy and Daddy

What is your Level of Education?

I’m not there yet as I’m only 4 months old.

What is your Favorite Hobby?

I like to watch Cartoons with my Mummy and football with Daddy.

What Kind of Things do you Like to have?

I like to have cuddles with my My mummy and Playtime with my Daddy.

Who are the most Influential Person to you as a Child?

My Big Sister is definitely a big influence for me.

What did you want to be in the Future?

An actor/Model although whatever I do my mummy and daddy will be proud.

What is the Happiest Memory in your Life?

In my short 4 months, my happiest moment was definitely meeting my Mummy and Daddy for the first time.

At the End, what are the Main Lesson, you have Learned in your Life?

Well as I’m only 4 months old, I have not learnt alot but Mummy is always saying that to be honest is very important.

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