Fauna Nicole was recently interviewed by Famo Celebrity Magazine and below is the Q&A session we had with her.
Introduction – Can you tell us a bit about yourself?
Sure! I mean, honestly, I’m still trying to figure out who I am. But I do know what I like: nature, animals, learning, psychology, good underdog stories, and understanding sociology. I enjoy doing my own research instead of just being told something and blindly following. I’ve always been a very curious person—one of my role models growing up was Sherlock Holmes— I really enjoy finding out the reasons behind things. I love me a good ‘rabbit hole’ !
Right now, I’m actually in the process of getting rid of half of my tattoos (being documented on my YouTube Channel: @FaunaNicoleMusic), and it’s made me realize that maybe I didn’t know myself as well as I thought I did. Humans are always changing. Something you loved a few years ago may change. I like to think I am evolving and now more than ever genuinely embracing the phrase; “Change is Good”. You’ll hear more about me and my inner thoughts, struggles and what I stand for in my lyrics!
Personal Background – Can you share a little about your upbringing and early life?
Well, my upbringing was… interesting. I thought I was living a normal life, but as I grew up, I realized some things my family did weren’t exactly “normal”. It stems back to growing up watching reality TV shows almost every night—not so real, right? My mom showed them to me when I was pretty young, maybe age 7 was the start. I don’t think she knew the psychological damage those shows could have on a child.
With that being said, growing up I believed lots of people were out to get me,or that people were talking bad about me. I was constantly watching my tongue, holding back for fear of judgment. I tried being my “true quirky Fauna self” in school but the kids didn’t understand. I had a few close friends who got me but most did not. I wanted to be liked so badly I conformed to be like them. That’s not how I want to live.
I stopped watching reality shows in 2017, and I feel less clouded in my mind. I also stopped my negative self talk recently since 2023. I want my lyrics to help people through any early difficulties they had growing up and carried throughout life. I want to inspire folks to break the chains their past had put them in.

Career and Achievements – What do you consider the highlights of your career so far?
My highlights have been a ride! Simply STARTING has been a highlight because, for so long, I never did. I kept thinking, “Oh, I’ll get there one day,” but if you never take a step, how can you possibly get to the end?
Performing on stage has been a highlight, especially at State Social House, one of the most famous West Hollywood neighborhood gastro pubs! I can’t wait to perform at other venues—2025 it’s coming!
Other highlights include putting out my music after a pretty big personal roadblock I faced from August to December of 2023.
I’m also very proud of my lyric writing and that I edit all of my skits and shorts! I’ve taken the time to learn about Spotify canvases, how splits work, and how to make good melodies.
I’m so happy that my career is where it is today. Yes, I wish I was further along, but that thought can make me stall or feel down, so I just say, “It is what it is,” and just keep pushing!
Challenges and Growth – What are some of the challenges you’ve faced in your career, and how did you overcome them?
Most of my challenges have been inward. Yes, some people I’ve worked with in the past have burnt me, but I truly believe most challenges stem from our inner dialogue and thoughts. Thoughts create things. If you have negative thoughts, negativity propels to you—it’s ‘like attracts like’. Ya know that thing about magnets we all learned in elementary school? I overcame my bad thought habits by thinking positive and believing people had good intentions for me. I know, I know, sounds cliché, but it really has helped tremendously.
Passions and Hobbies – What are your interests and hobbies outside of your career?
I absolutely love learning. I’m so happy YouTube has so many free classes on a multitude of subjects. I could watch for days! I enjoy going to Runyon Canyon for walks, and I also like going out to nice restaurants. I might seem a bit boring—I used to go out to bars and dance, but I’m just about two years alcohol-free, and I’ve noticed those places don’t do it for me anymore. Now I’m more into calm activities where no alcohol is around. Not to say I can’t be disciplined—you know how many times I’ve had to pass up FREE alcohol out here at LA industry events? LOTS. I was not a happy deer.

Advice for Aspiring Artists – What advice would you give to young artists looking to make a mark in the industry?
Live authentically through your words! People like real talk. And don’t sit on your music! Let it go. A good friend told me, “Always release your music—even if you’re not sure it will hit, it’s still your beginning.” It’s true! People love looking back at an artist’s evolution. Remember, “Change is Good”.
Rapid-Fire Round:
*Favorite movie name?
The Lion King
*One word to describe yourself?
Thought-Provoking hmmm is that two words?
*If you could have dinner with any historical figure, who would it be?
John F Kennedy
*Favorite travel destination?
Probably a little cabin on the beach that I go to in my mind haha
In the Last, what are your Social Media Platform Links?
Here, they are! Thank you so very much for the interview!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/faunanicole_ music/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Fauna NicoleMusic
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Faunas Frame/
Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/faunani colemusic
IMDb: https://pro.imdb.com/name/nm13022894
X / Twitter: https://x.com/FaunaNicole1
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2E2G9 AGXhfFXblMCFVs05O
Amazon music: https://music.amazon.com/artists/B09 NQM4RLC/fauna-nicole
Apple Music / itunes: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/fauna-nicole/1616709597
Gmail: fauna@framemymindmedia.com